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02-OP ArcOne Inside & Outside Cover Plate for helmets with 5x4" & 4x5" filters (.040" thick)

Price: $2.50 (package of 1)
Based on unit price: $2.50
SKU #: 02-OP
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02-OP ArcOne Inside & Outside Cover Plate for helmets with 5x4" & 4x5" filters (.040" thick)

ArcOne® produces a complete array of cover plates. Our specially designed cover plates are lightweight, but still hold up to the highest standards. If you own a single shade filter and need a slightly darker shade for comfort, our passive shade 1 & 2 upgrades will meet your needs. ArcOne® helmets must use ArcOne® cover plates due to the helmet designs. Our cover plates may be used with all other manufacturer helmets. Sold as a single or 10-Pack