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CK 2% Thoriated Tungsten .020 x 7" Pack of 10

Price: $3.40 (package of 10)
Based on unit price: $0.34
CK Worldwide
SKU #: T0207GT2
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SKU: T0207GT2

CK Tunsten 2% THORIATED 0.020" x 7" Colour Red

AWS A5.12M / A5.12:2009 EWTh-2

ISO 6848: 2004 MOD WT20

Principal Oxide: 1.7–2.2% Thorium Oxide

Percentages of Oxide Additives (Helps maintain Arc Starting and Stabilty at the Electrode Tip):

  • 1.7–2.2% Thorium Oxide


  • Best for use in Direct Current (D/C) applications using transformer based constant current power sources.
  • Best for use on non corroding steels, titanium alloys, nickel alloys, copper alloys.
  • Good D/C arc starts and stability, medium erosion rate, medium amperage range, medium tendency to spit.
  • Normal Packaging has 10 pieces. In most cases we sell these indidually.
  • Some diameters are available in pkgs of 3 from CK Worldwide. We offer those as well.