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COR®MET 308L Flux Coated Tig Rod 1/8 x 10lb

Price: $329.90 (package of 10 LB)
Based on unit price: $32.99
SKU #: QWP308L1810

SKU: QWP308L1810

COR®MET 308L Flux Coated Tig Rod 1/8 x 10lb

No AWS specification applies to this product. The weld deposit will conform to the AWS A5.22 chemistry limits.

  • A 20" stainless TIG wire with a flux coating that allows TIG welding open root passes, and eliminates the need for backing or purging. All wire is identified with the grade marked on the end of the rod.
  • Flux cored wires according to AWS A5.22 RXXXT1-5 are also available in the standard sizes of 3/32" and 1/8"