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Miller Replacement P100 Nuisance OV Reliefs for the LPR-100™

Price: $29.82 (package of 1)
Based on unit price: $29.82
SKU #: SA00819
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SKU: SA00819

Miller Replacement P100 Nuisance OV Reliefs for the LPR-100™ 

Innovative Filter Media

  • Will not deteriorate in humid conditions.

99.97% Filtration of Airborne Particles

  • Provides up to 99.97% filtration of airborne particles and aerosols, both oil-based and non-oil based.

Offers Nuisance Level Organic Vapor Relief

  • Nuisance Level Relief refers to concentrations not exceeding OSHA's PELs or other applicable government occupational exposure limits, whichever is lower.

Exclusive Filter Design

  • Provides additional surface area to reduce breathing resistance while minimizing filter size.